
Most weird food around the world

Haggis - Scotland
Considered Scotland’s national dish, this mixture includes sheep’s heart, liver and lungs, onion, oatmeal, spices, and stock. Traditionally stuffed into a sheep’s stomach and simmered, this hearty dish dates back to the 1400’s and today is served as the main course of a Burns supper on Robert Burns Day. Typically eaten with tatties and neeps (mashed potatoes and turnips), it is often served with a dram of Scotch whisky to get it all down. Today, Haggis is conveniently available ready-made from the grocery store and is a great source of iron and fibre.
Sannakji - South Korea
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A South Korean delicacy, this dish of live octopus is eaten either whole or in pieces depending on the size of the specimen. Served raw and usually only with a splash of sesame oil, it’s so fresh that the tentacles are still squirming. Suckers from the octopus can attach themselves inside the throat of the consumer causing choking or even death, which makes eating this mollusk a scary proposition. Although the actual octopus is mildly flavoured, the live animal wrapping itself around the diners face as they try to swallow it down is surely an experience to remember.
Escamoles - Mexico
It may look like a grain salad, but this dish is actually made up of ant larvae. Often called insect caviar, escamoles are considered a delicacy in Mexican cuisine and consumption dates back to the Aztecs. Eggs are harvested from the root systems of the maguey and agave plants, and the tiny larvae can be found in tacos, omelettes or just on their own. Surprisingly pleasant, these little larvae are crisped up with butter or deep-fried and have a slightly nutty taste. 
Hakarl - Iceland
Rotten shark may sound disgusting, but if the Greenland shark were eaten in its fresh form it would be poisonous. By allowing the shark to ferment and decay the fish becomes edible – if the eater can get past the ammonia smell and fetid fishy taste. Most first time diners involuntarily gag, and it’s recommended that the fish be chased with a shot of local spirit. Icelanders are able to eat their Hakarl year round, and the rotten fish is stocked, vacuum packed, in regular supermarkets. 
Fried Brain Sandwiches - USA
Hamburgers, french fries and fried-brain sandwiches? In some areas of the USA, particularly in the Ohio River Valley, this curious sandwich is still found on the menu. Made from sliced calves or pig brains that have been heavily battered and deep fried, this dish was brought over by immigrants from Germany and Holland who were keen on eliminating any sort of waste. Heavy on the calories, this sandwich is typically served accompanied with mustard and pickled onions. Most of the flavour in the sandwich comes from the batter, with the brains having a mild taste and custardy texture.
Casu Marzu - Italy
Creamy and soft, this sheep’s milk cheese sounds appealing at first but the fact that it contains thousands of live maggots is sure to put off all but the most adventurous eaters. This Sardinian cheese is made by allowing flies to lay eggs on the surface of Pecorino cheese that has had the top cut off to allow for easy access. When the eggs hatch, the larvae eat through the cheese breaking down the fats and softening the usually hard middle. Strong and rich, the aftertaste of this pungent cheese lasts for hours. 

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